
Showing posts from February, 2020

You can write…

Anyone can write!   Just write to be a writer. Just sing and you are the one. I am addressing these statements to my dear students. Trust me, thousand miles journey begins with your first step. It is step after step … into a million steps.   Did you just wonder standing in the corner of a library as to how those thousands of books with millions of words were ever written?   Would you like to end up reading others books and keep wondering?   Why don’t you give a try and even more, write yourself? Graham Greene, one of the influential writers and novelists of 20 th century once said, ’I often wonder how all those who do not write, paint or compose can escape the madness which is inherent in human condition’.   The urge and ability to write, paint, design, sing, dance and a host of others is there in all of us deep down. Some of us make it happen during lifetime and yet some of us reach graveyard with so much of music still left in us! Let us tak...

‘Memory Is Mother of Wisdom’

‘Memory Is Mother of Wisdom’ Being able to recall at ease does not come to us that easily. It calls for a certain disciplined way of listening, making notes and working on the content backwards.   For students with narrow attention span, recall capabilities are hard to come by. It therefore has to be worked on over a period of time. I have seen students struggling in examination halls having to recall even two out of ten points. Why does it happen?   Can we overcome this weakness for memorizing the things? Is there a way out?   Yes, there are many ways to strengthen your recall power.   Once you commit yourself on the following lines, it is more likely that you will find it difficult to forget!   Harry Lorayne is credited to be the greatest memory master who the world will not forget.   In one of the workshops that he led, someone in the audience challenged him,’ Now that we are all introduced to you and that you have a list of all names, can you...

“Ask you will get it, Seek you will find it”

For all of us and more particularly students, willingness to ASK  questions and SEEK  clarification is the sine qua non of good learning and effective participation.   Students need to be trained on the art of listening, questioning and participation. Consider for a while that you are the head of an educational institution and that in one of the guest lectures, the speaker invites questions and that your students don’t open their mouth!   How would you feel if especially while leaving that speaker makes a special mention of this development! (Or no development!). Well, we cannot blame on our students.   We need train them and invite them into doing these more frequently than not. Isidor Isaac (1898-1966), Nobel laureate was once asked about his educational abilities and the person behind that. Without batting an eye lid the great man said ‘It is my mother who seeded in me these abilities. Every day on returning from school I faced this question from...