‘Memory Is Mother of Wisdom’

‘Memory Is Mother of Wisdom’

Being able to recall at ease does not come to us that easily. It calls for a certain disciplined way of listening, making notes and working on the content backwards.  For students with narrow attention span, recall capabilities are hard to come by. It therefore has to be worked on over a period of time. I have seen students struggling in examination halls having to recall even two out of ten points. Why does it happen?  Can we overcome this weakness for memorizing the things? Is there a way out?  Yes, there are many ways to strengthen your recall power.  Once you commit yourself on the following lines, it is more likely that you will find it difficult to forget!  Harry Lorayne is credited to be the greatest memory master who the world will not forget.  In one of the workshops that he led, someone in the audience challenged him,’ Now that we are all introduced to you and that you have a list of all names, can you recall at least a few names as a testimony to your claim that you are a memory master?’. It was really a challenge to the great master but then he surprised the audience by recalling about 800 names! Well, we all cannot reach anywhere near him but then we all can take a few lessons in our own way to draw closer to excellence. These days, there are people who demonstrate memory techniques as if they have a magic wand in their hand. You need not worry about that too. Just be sincere and not serious about having to remember. That itself will put you half the way ahead of others!  As students, you need to do the following few things lest you will not have to struggle as I told earlier.

·       The saying ‘you tend to do what you intend to do’ is apt here. Sow the seed of intention to remember and proceed with your routine exercises.

·      Use links in your own creative and even funny manner.  Visualize a drunkard standing near a lamp post not for light but to seek support! The words around this funny statement can be well linked. If you have to remember a particular year just link it to your year of birth in a creative way. Likewise, you can make hundreds of memory links. These ‘association’ techniques are well recommended by experts.

·      Link someone’s name to his face and it may help. For instance you met a lady named Rosy and that she had rosy cheeks which you liked.  You liking the linking that you created also matters.
·    Write down the facts, names and places that you do not want to forget at any cost. Writing down always makes you look up in life.

·        Read aloud.  If it is important that you should lose sight of, read is loudly and dramatically. It gives a feel and flavor and helps you recall for that special reason. Well friends, let us get back to this some other time. Till such time, good bye!

By, Dr. N J Shetty, M.Com, MBA, MA (Psy), LLB, PG. DHRM, PG. DMM, D. TD, CAIIB, Pragya, Ph.D. Professor & HOD, NITTE School of Management, Bengaluru.


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